Thursday, January 26, 2017


Still on our Southern Japan foray, we continue to scour the urban waterways in search of our quarry. The mixed bag of fresh and brackish water species in the same environ comes as a pleasant surprise...

Tsurusaki San is the man behind FCL Labo and many Evergreen creations, here he has a nice Chinese Seabass on a prototype lure...

One of the 3 Seabass species that can be encountered commonly in Japan, this Chinese variety is identified by the spots on its back...

This one fell for the IMA Rock'n Vibe slow rolled...

The little river was tidal and as the water receded shallow pockets started to appear. Seabass are classic ambush predators and identifying good hide outs was the key to getting the next hit...

It was a matter of getting the DUO Tide Minnow Sprint to the spot for a hit...

We were surprised to find Snakehead getting a feed in this tidal area but were happy to add to the list...

The DUO Tide Minnow Sprint casts well and stays stable even in turbulent waters like the ones we were fishing...

The icing on the cake was this very healthy specimen which reacted to the topwater popper in super shallow water...

The FEED Lure BULB8 was the weapon of choice. Can't go wrong with handmade wooden poppers for that amazing action...

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