Thursday, March 1, 2018


The motley crew aboard the fantasy boat in the Maldives can't get enough of the superb jigging on offer from ultra light to heavy tackle. Here is part three and a lot more awesome jigging action from the trip!

Grassy Emperors are never far when the light jigs like this IMA Gun Peki are dropped adjacent to reefs...

Off the deep drops, these Rock Cods rule the seabed, and they love Shout! Shab Shab jigs...

The SFC Gawky jig also gets a Rock Cod shortly after...

How about this oogly from the deep. A unique looking Mozambique Large Eye Bream which fell for a Shout! Cradle jig...

Going even deeper we find this greedy Red Rockfish which took the Xesta Flap jig...

Going light along the reef's edge with the FEED Prototype jig stick and the ever popular IMA Gun Peki jig we find thi nice Long Nose Emperor...

he next drop is a deep one and that is where the Major Craft Slow Draw rod and FEED FLINT jig shines. A nice Ruby Snapper obliges...

Rock Cod on the Shout! Cradle, its hard to get past them...

Another nice Ruby on the deep drop set up. FEED FLINT scores again...

There's more than one Ruby at this spot. This one took the FEED FALL slow jig...

Meanwhile its back to Rock Cods on the FEED FLINT jig...

With the odd Ruby Snapper in between drops with the FEED FLINT jig...

Yet another Rock Cod on the FEED FLINT jig worked on the Major Craft Crostage jig rod...

FEED FLINT finds another Rock Cod...

And so does this FEED FALL jig...

This FEED FLINT got past the demersals and found this Almaco Jack wanting...

But most bites were on the bottom by the ever willing Cods, this FEED FLINT got smashed hard...

Small Ruby from the depths on the FLINT...

Squaretail Grouper gets fooled by the FEED FALL jig fluttered in front of its face...

And how about this awesome Banded Cod? These fish represents the trophy catch on slow pitch jig tackle and they taste absolutely amazing!

The FEED FLINT did the job!

Rock Cods were always present, this one took the FEED FALL jig...

And this one found the FEED FLINT to its liking...

A hard fighting Rosy Jobfish was a welcome break from the Cods and it went hard against the Major Craft Slow Draw rod. FEED FLINT was the jig of choice...

Big jig doesn't always mean big fish...

Gold Banded Snappers were pretty rare but the FEED FLINT found one...

Can't escape the Rock Cods. They love FLINT jigs...

Here's an uncommon catch on jig. Identified as a Snowflake Soapfish, it probably took the FEED FLINT jig as an intruder to its territory...

But this Banded Grouper definitely smashed the FEED FLINT out of hunger. Another great fish to make the day!

Gold Band Snappers were always welcomed on deck, they go hard for their size and they liked FEED FALL jigs...

Just like Rock Cods liked FEED FLINTs...

And so did the occasional Coronation Trout from the reefs...

Rock Cod galore on the FEED FALL...

And FEED FLINT jigs...

Squaretail Grouper on the FEED FALL jig to break the monotony...

Then its back to Rock Cods. This one on the SFC Arc...

And another on an SFC Arrow jig...

FEED FLINTs are always in the mix...

SFC Arrow scores a second in succession...

This beautiful Lined Trigger got greedy with the SFC Arrow jig...

What remained of a nice Yellowtail Grouper which took the FEED FLINT but couldn't escape a hungry Shark on the way up...

Another rare encounter from the deep on the SFC Arrow, this is an Oblique Banded Snapper and it looks awesome!

This larger Yellowtail Grouper came up in one piece, courtesy of the FEED FLINT jig. An awesome catch...

These Barracudas usually steal jigs but this one got unlucky and got pinned by the Shout! Shab Shab jig...

Then its a Squaretail Grouper on the FEED FALL...

And back to Rock Cods on FEED FLINTs...

One after another...

But the occasional Ruby makes it all worthwhile...

Sticking with the FEED FLINT because it works best, and it pays off nicely...

Squaretail Grouper on the FEED FLINT too...

The Flutefish was an unexpected catch from the depths on the FEED FLINT...

Rock Cods on FEED FLINTs were a different story...

Same jig same fish...

Same fish, this one on the FEED FALL jig...

One of the rare trophies the Maldives gifts to this happy angler who dropped his FEED FALL along a nice drop. The Footballer Trout is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful fishes anywhere in the world...

Xesta Slippy jig brings up a little Jobfish from over 200m...

But the FEED FLINT found the jackpot in the form of this beautiful Comet Grouper...

And is followed by the angry looking Dogtooth Snapper on the next drop...

Rosy Jobfish smashes FEED FLINT jig hard and was mistaken for a much nicer fish...

Ruby Snapper on the FEED FLINT dropped deep...

No escape from the Rock Cods with the FEED FLINT...

Rosy Jobfish usually school up and its not surprising to find more than one...

This SFC Arc jig pins this super aggressive Midnight Trigger...

Another rare Red Rockfish from the deep. The FEED FLINT finds it...

A very aggressive Emperor doesn't care about the size of the jig and attacked this SFC Arc jig greedily...

A tandem of Cods fooled by FEED FLINT and Shout! Flash jig respectively...

Rock Cod on the SFC Arc...

Then comes a much welcomed Almaco Jack on the Xesta Slippy jig...

Another Rock Cod on the FEED FLINT, it doesn't stop...

Next we had the FEED FLINT fool a Bridled Trigger...

And a FEED FALL fall on the head of a beautiful Coronation Trout...

An Emperor on the FEED FLINT...

Another greedy Bridled Trigger on a FEED FALL jig...

As the trip draws to a close, another beautiful Comet Grouper comes aboard...

And its followed by a not so common Goldeneye Jobfish on the FLINT...

Over the last few drops we decide to go super deep and were pretty surprised to turn up this Barracouta on the FEED FLINT...

Last fish of the trip is another new species on the FEED FLINT jig, it is questionably identified as a Vermilion Rockfish and was a great way to end the trip...

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