Thursday, April 12, 2018


Tackle Source goes Snakehead hunting at a local farm pond. On this day we had the trusty Major Craft Speed Style light spin rod to put through its paces...

We love the awesome slim profile reel seat on the Speed Style spin rods, they offer the ultimate in sensations through the blank...

For covering ground its hard to look past the Jackall TN vibes and this one produced...

Its a nice Common Snakehead, and the Speed Style had it tamed...

Working the Evergreen Zeta vibe, we found another...

Another favourite lure for covering undulating terrain is the DUO Realis Vibe, here's a proper specimen which got fooled...

Crankbaits worked slow were finding the holes in which the Snakehead would lay in ambush. This big one couldn't say no...

The Jackall Chubby crank had it fooled...

But Vibes were the more consistent producer...

With two more fish on the Evergreen Zeta vibe landed consecutively...

But the bigger fish were taken on the cranks...

And the Jackall Chubby crank was awesome for the job...

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