Picking up where we left off - hooked up tight...

NC GTs were tough customers, often requiring some patience to get them to the boat...

Nice GT on FCL Squidpencil...

A really healthy looking fish...

The omnipresent Red Bass...

Not as many Bluefin Trevally as we'd expect, but then they only get in the way of good fish...

Small GT by NC standards...

A really greedy Red Bass which took a monster chugger...

A medium GT which took the same chugger, goes to show you never know what will hit the lures you throw out there...

One of many pesky Cudas we had to contend with...

Another decent GT to put a smile on this angler's face...

Sharks making short work of a Barracuda...

There were no escaping the small but aggro Red Bass...

Nice Coral Trout for a change...

Hooked something large, settled into a long fight...

Which turned into an epic battle, with no give on either side...

Culprit was a big Shark hooked on the dorsal fin!

More GT action, and more enjoyable fights...

Decent fish - beautifully proportioned...

Big hit at boatside and long fight ensued...

FCL Labo 80EXT rod doing a great job...

a 40kg GT, fantastic effort...

Trouts aren't shy, this one took a 200g Ebipop by FCL labo...

Best Coral Trout of the trip...

Beautiful Golden Trevally caught at anchor with 40g IMA Gunpeki jig...

A surprise Bonefish on the same jig...

Goldspot Trevally on Pintail 35 cast with Poseidon Ocean Hunter rod...

Coral Cod on the Jackson Pintail...

GT taken on Jackson Tanto pencil at first light in the shallows...

Nice Coral Trout from the deep on jig...

Fat GT on popper...

And another...

We hit some real bruisers on jigs and lost plenty...

Sharks were really abundant in these waters and took jigs and even smaller fish that were attached to jigs...

More nice GT to hit the deck...

Closing stages of a decent fight with the lighter Fisherman Giant stickbait rod...

Hefty fish at the gaff...

FCL Labo CSP260 stickbait made to look minute by this GT...

Another 40kg fish for the record...

More mad Macks on chuggers...

And more GT...

Interesting looking Shark specie on Orion Plug Tropic...

A larger Reef Shark getting stickbait removed from its side...

Hooked onto another decent fish...

FCL EXT rod and CSP stickbait combo doing its job...

Cod from the reefs on IMA Barbarossa stickbait...

Early morning hook up...

You never tire of catching Giant Trevally...

20kg fish were pretty much average for the trip...

This guy had the lure well down its throat...

FCL CSP claims another victim...

Had to brace the shark attacks to get a decent fish on jig...

Heavy jig outfits were mandatory...

FCL SL jig worked on this capture...

Very fat Estuary Cod, over 40kgs at least...

Dogtooth Tuna which got taxed on the way up...

Solitary Amberjack for the trip...

More Red Bass, this on a stickbait...

And more Macks too...

And GTs of course...

Many GTs...

Small Coral Trout from the shallows...

Hooked up to a whopper on jig...

Spool emptying fast...

Sole Yellowfin Tuna of the trip, on Shout! Stay jig...

Tackle always at ready...

El Toro prototype rod did well throughout the trip, handling its fair share of GTs...

Big lure, small fish...

Another reef bandit doing damage on an unlucky lure...

Red Bass unafraid to hit this big chugger...

This small GT was a pale consolation after this large popper was taken by a monster Dogtooth Tuna estimated by skipper David to be well over 60kgs, the largest he's seen take a topwater lure. Unfortunately the hook up only lasted seconds...

Another XXL Estuary Cod on jig, estimated to be about 50kgs...

Fisherman Andaman doing the damage...

Last ditch effort as the weather turned for the worse was rewarded with a nice take followed by a brutal fight...

Not the monster we were hoping for, but a mid thirties GT to wrap things up...

Last hook up of he trip, just to remind us of how good the fishing was the past 4 days...
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