It is not so often the stars align, the weather gods smile on you and things fall into place. These are days we live for, where anglers are allowed to do what they love most: fish. After various weather-hampered attempts we finally hit pay dirt on this trip and as the bad weather stayed away, everyone could properly maximise the fishing potential this area promises.
Busting at the seams with jigs, was everyone's jig bag... |
As we rolled unto the first spot all hands were on deck and the anticipation was undoubtedly tense... |
We can't speak more highly of this rod - the Giant Killing Slow Pitch Special by Major Craft. It's a rod that's got us so many good fish over the recent season its not funny... |
On this trip we had to break out this new Madai jig from FEED Lures. And off the bat it fired with this nice Estuary Cod in the bag... |
We knew from the start this new Madai jig from FEED Lures would be good, especially for these deep water spots... |
Worked on the soft tip Giant Killing Slow Pitch Special rod it glided perfectly to entice the likes of this Estuary Cod... |
The Estuary Cod were queuing for a shot at this invasive entity. It was a tough day but this third Cod on the Madai Jig tells its effectiveness... |
Long hard runs on the soft Slow Pitch Special Giant Killing can only mean a pelagic specie like the Cobia. This one put up a great fight... |
It fell for the FEED Madai Jig as well. Amazing... |
Slow Pitching with the Major Craft rod patiently found this Estuary Cod ready to pounce... |
The Xesta Flap jig in an exciting new colour is a firm favourite jig by all aboard... |
And so is the Shout! Flash flutter fall jig, as shown by this Cobia... |
We run into a thick school of Cobia and they love the FEED Madai Jig as well. Fish like this are a handful on the Giant Killing Slow Pitch Special... |
On the lighter spec Evergreen Poseidon Slow Jerker they are a much longer fight proposition... |
A large Cobia comes boatside after an extremely long fight on the Poseidon Slow Jerker... |
Amongst the frenzied Cobias somehow a Greasy Grouper is plucked on the FEED Madai... |
But right away its back to the strong Cobias that continue to fall for the FEED Madai... |
They grow to hefty sizes but are non-discriminatory when it comes to their choice of lure. And the FEED Madai continues to score... |
It is a healthy procession of tough fighting fish on the FEED Madai and it would have all anglers onboard worn but satisfied... |
There was one for everyone on board... |
It was hard to get past the brown jackets but this Xesta Flap jig did the trick... |
And we had a nice Golden Snapper to end the hot afternoon's bite... |
After dinner the guys didn't need an invitation to whip out the ultralight outfits and mini jigs to score nice Bigeye Trevally like this one... |
The new IMA Ichimatsu jig scores... |
On the ultralight Evergreen Temujin 'Spider' these guys go hard... |
The small Xesta After Burner jig is just the right size for these fish... |
And it kept catching... |
The IMA Ichimatsu jig worked near the bottom picks up this Brown-striped Snapper... |
Then it finds a rare night capture in the form of a very golden Golden Snapper. We were testing out a prototype Major Craft Go-Emotion ultra light jig rod and it was the bomb... |
This is one of the bigger Bigeyes taken on an IMA Gun Peki jig... |
While the IMA Ichimatsu also finds favour with the Bigeye Trev population... |
Everyone aboard took turns to hook up and on this light Major Craft Crostage spin rod this Bigeye was more than a handful. It went for a long-profile Xesta Nitro jig... |
Another small Brown-striped Snapper falls for the slow-pitched IMA Ichimatsu jig... |
We could go on all night with the Bigeye Trevs but after this last one on the IMA Gun Peki we made sure all were well rested for the day ahead... |
Up early and casting, the reward came quick. This nice Spanish Mackeral attacked the chugger with an aerial display and luckily got stuck... |
The FEED BELL60 makes this killing... |
The sea was alive with predator and prey. This Barracuda definitely falls into the predator category... |
It fell for the ultimate 'prey' for pelagics - the Jackson Pintail... |
Throwing something bigger into the fray with the new Major Craft Giant Killing Tuna Light casting rod we come up big... |
A good GT pushing the mid-teens comes aboard after much coaxing, it was a fight to remember... |
Fresh out of the oven, the new FEED SLASH65 scores on its debut. After much testing, to see the results in fruition is most satisfactory... |
An acrobatic Queenie. These speedsters are a common catch off the surface in this area... |
They absolutely love Jackson Pintails... |
Here's a rare capture in these parts: a nice Dogtooth Tuna shows up after a solid fight... |
Like the others before it, it went for the Jackson Pintail, a lure to have for all serious saltwater fishos here... |
As the day progressed we find another pod of GTs and hook one after successive misses as they outrace each other to pounce on the hapless skipping prototype FEED pencil popper. This double digit fish is a welcome catch any day, and on the Giant Killing Tuna Light rod it is all the more special... |
When the topwater bite fades we go jigging, and score right away with the FEED Madai with another nice Cod... |
The Major Craft Giant Killing Slow Pitch Special at work on a good fish... |
That turns out to be a beaut Golden Snapper on the FEED Madai jig... |
The action is thick as another Estuary Cod hits the deck... |
No guesses for the jig that did the damage - the FEED Madai scores again... |
Slow Pitching with the Major Craft Giant Killing, it was easy counting down to the next strike... |
A nice Estuary Cod falls for the Xesta Flap jig... |
While another Snapper finds out the FEED Madai is no octopus... |
They come in numbers too, and the FEED Madai is there to collect... |
We find a patch of soft corals and usually we'd find these Greasy Groupers in residence. The FEED Madai does this one in... |
And the Xesta Flap jig isn't close behind with this one... |
The Goldies are on a chew and another one is landed... |
The FEED Madai scores just racks up... |
The Major Craft Giant Killing Slow Pitch Special at work on another fish on jig... |
And this second hook up makes it two Giant Killing Slow Pitch Specials bent over... |
Its a long haul from the depths but the sight of this nice Estuary Cod more than makes up for it... |
The Xesta Slow Emotion Flap jig scores another... |
Changing to the FEED Madai jig ensures the ball is kept rolling... |
The demersals just love the new FEED Madai... |
Next we hit a shallower hole and the IMA Ro jig is greeted by a rare African Pompano juvenile... |
The rocky coral-strewn area is typical Cod country and it doesn't disappoint... |
This time its the Bassday Bottom Contact jig, another firm favourite producing the goods... |
The Major Craft Giant Killing SLow Pitch Special is a special rod indeed. Watching it load up is just as exciting as having it in your hands.. |
A big Goldie in shallow water, with a great fight to boot... |
The Bassday Bottom Contact scores consecutively... |
The action continues with a smaller Cod on the Xesta Flap jig... |
And yet another on the Xesta After Burner jig... |
Meanwhile an old favourite - the Evergreen Caprice jig does this one in... |
It is a day to savour, as the fishes come in thick and fast. Another Golden Snapper falls prey to the excellent jig that is the Xesta Flap... |
The Xesta After Burner jig follows close with another Goldie... |
They come in all sizes. A small Brown-striped Snapper lets greed get the better of him, going after the Bassday Bottom Contact... |
You never tire of these beautiful Golden Snapper. Especially on the Giant Killing Slow Pitch rod... |
The Xesta Flap jig bags another... |
The wide smile says it all. The Evergreen Caprice jig with a job well done... |
Xesta Flap on the Evergreen Poseidon Spin Jerker rod is a one way affair with this Snapper... |
Bottom hugging Estuary Cod are a handful in rocky terrain and provide a tense few seconds upon hook up... |
The Xesta Flap jig scores an impressive number... |
While the Evergreen Caprice jig - the pioneer 'slow jig' is always the proven winner. Here with another Goldie... |
And its scores in a row with a nice Estuary Cod here landed with the Major Craft Giant Killing Slow Pitch Special rod... |
The FEED Madai makes deep drops easy and entice with little effort from the angler. It accounts for yet another Estuary Cod here... |
And backs it up by fooling another Golden Snapper... |
Here's a truly rare jig-capture. A healthy Javelin Fish which got fooled by the Evergreen Caprice jig. Awesome... |
More FEED Madai goodness wrapped in gold... |
And the day is done with a decent sized Greasy Grouper. On the FEED Madai as well... |
After hours, its the light gear and the Bigeye Trevs yet again. This one falls for the Xesta Nitro jig... |
We get a decent pack under the boat and the next IMA Gun Peki jig dropped scores... |
And amongst the Bigeyes we do get surprises like this mean GT which is more than a handful on the ultralight gear... |
The Evergreen Caprice Kid jig makes good in the darkness too... |
Proving it was no fluke, another GT hits the deck courtesy of the Evergreen Caprice Kid jig... |
And the species list grows with a hard fighting Bludger Trevally... |
The Evergreen Caprice Kid jig shines, outscoring all other jigs on this night... |
In the morning we find the pack of Bludgers still around and they go spectacularly hard on rods like the Evergreen Temujin 'Spider'... |
This one fell for the Jackall Laser jig... |
It was melee of pelagics as a beautiful Rainbow Runner creates havoc on board with mad runs versus the Evergreen Poseidon Spin Jerker Light rod... |
The IMA Gun Peki jig can always be relied on... |
Here's the prototype Micro Jig Special rod we are working with Major Craft to produce, in action. We can't wait for its arrival... |
A bulky Bludger had it tested to the max, and it took much patience to get it in the boat. But it was pure excitement every second of the way... |
The new IMA Ichimatsu jig has won many hearts in recent months and secures its place in every serious offshore light tackle buff's box... |
Alas the Major Craft Giant Killings get a rest after the onslaught of hot bites over the course of the trip. It is these experiences that keep us coming back, and it will be no doubt the Slow Pitch Giant Killings will be out to play soon again... |
For enquiries please email
Hi.... where can i buy this feed madai jig???
ReplyDeleteHi.... where can i buy this feed madai jig???