Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Had the opportunity to check out an estuarine system with the trusty 4 piece pack-rod style Major Craft Go Emotion and a handful of lures. Prospecting an unknown waterway can be tough and the odds were against us. However, one lure shown through and picked up a few small critters...

The Spearhead Ryuki by DUO has awesome casting ability. Worked along the bottom the first capture was this Saltwater Catfish...

Time and tide play an important role in a saltwater river. Ambush predators like this Flathead are always ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey getting pushed by the tides...

The DUO Ryuki scores...

We didn't find any trophies on this day but instead got an interesting mix of species. This is a Goby ferocious enough to attack the lure not much smaller than itself...

And to cap off the day - an amazing capture on the Jackall Mask Gene vibe - a Prawn on lure!

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