Monday, August 21, 2017


Tackle Source spends a great day on the water terrorising the local fish population with the latest and greatest gear. The day eventually turned around and as always the day was rock solid...

The day started gloomy so the fingers were crossed...

We sounded out some fish under the boat, and the first FEED FLIP15 jig dropped scored this little Trevally...

On the second drift the FEED FLIP produces again with this Longfin trevally. It put the prototype FEED micro jig rod to good use...

We then found a willing school of Hard Tail Scads and the FEED FLIP jigs scored a couple...

Casting little lures like the DUO Spearhead Ryuki in to schools also produced the odd Longfin Trev. On the ultralight Major Craft MS-X spin rod, it was as much fun as can be had with a rod in hand...

Going deep with the DUO Beach Walker Fulcrum and we find this Spanish Flag which came straight to the boat courtesy of the FEED Jungle spin rod...

Meanwhile on the surface the slinky DUO Bay Ruf Manic terrorises the Hard Tail Scad population on fish at a time...

And this mini Longfin Trevally proves sizes doesn't matter as it snatches this passing DUO Fulcrum...

With unfavourable currents we persevered with the micro jigs and were rewarded by this nice Golden Trevally on the FEED FLIP15 jig worked with the prototype FEED micro jig stick...

And the above-mentioned combo continues to produce, and the result is another nice Longfin Trevally...

Over the course of the day, we had a few GT encounters but this was the only one which made it to the boat. It took the DUO Realis Jerkbait and gave the FEED Jungle stick a hard time with its tenacity...

Alas the conditions allow for some casting and the rewards came quick, with this nice Coral Trout which took the DUO Tide Minnow Surf got yanked out of its hidey home by the FEED Jungle spin stick...

More anxious moments in the shallows next as the IMA Gyodo lure is smashed by this Goldspot Trevally, but the FEED Jungle rod has it tamed in no time...

Then the Jungle rod is truly pushed to its limits as this nice Coral Trout tries to take the lure home and is brutally pried out...

We get the DUO Beach Walker back home safe with plenty of frayed leader to show...

Few more casts in and a better Coral Trout does the same as the one before it in super shallow water. The fight is absolutely brutal but the FEED Jungle rod pulls through...

More frayed leader connects to the successful APIA Gablin minnow which produced...

Last fish of the day is another Goldspot Trev, this one on a DUO Fangbait 120SR. We wrap up on a positive note with some frenzied action towards the day's end, only to wish we had more daylight...

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