Thursday, November 23, 2017


Tackle Source goes deep on another adventure to uncover some new species from the depths. We particularly enjoy exploring these uncharted depths with the great new gear available today...

Sun up means we need to be on the water and steaming...

First drop finds a Ruby Snapper courtesy of the SFC Cranky...

And if you find one there is usually two. The Xesta Slippy finds another Ruby...

Next fish in the boat is more unorthodox. The SFC Spunky jig hangs precariously...

Its a big fat Gemfish...

Next drop with the SFC Arc is deep and it finds this small Gemfish...

One of the most tasty fish for the table from the deep is the little Black Gnomefish. They attack big jigs like this SFC Cranky too...

The Ray's Bream is a rare fish from the deep, this one liked the FEED Lures FALL jig...

Going super deep with a big SFC Gawky turns up another little Gemfish...

Next drop with the FEED FALL jig gets this big red...

Its a nice Ruby Snapper! On the red Major Craft Slow Draw rod too...

Another rare fish from the depths is this Scorpionfish on the Kanji Free Slow jig...

What seemed like hard fighter on the other end of the line turned up to be another large Barracouta. These fish look vicious...

The FEED FALL jig does the damage...

You never know what will hit next on deep drops. This Black Gnomefish attacks a FEED FALL jig the same size as itself...

Here's a beautiful specimen of a Flametail Snapper on the FEED FALL jig...

Its truly a mixed bag, with another big Barracouta on the FEED FALL jig...

And yet another Black Gnomefish on the FEED FALL jig...

From over 300m depth comes an interesting catch. This is identified as a Beardfish and it took the FEED FALL jig like those before it...

Alas the FEED FALL jig finds a red. This Ruby Snapper is most welcome...

And we find another one with the Xesta Flap jig...

A more unusual catch on the SFC Cranky. An Octopus from the depths...

And this next catch on the FEED FALL is truly baffling...

It is over 7 feet long and is identified as a Channel Scabbardfish...

Another look at this amazing creature from the deep...

Then it is back to catching Ruby Snappers on the SFC Cranky...

And then a nice Scorpionfish on the SFC Rector next...

Going a little sallower we get this little Grouper on the SFC Cranky...

And an unidentified reefie Snapper on the SFC Gawky...

Last fish of the day is a little Flametail Snapper on the FEED FALL jig...

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