It is very often trips do not pan out the way we'd
most expect. With the last trip being a GT fest, this time
we were anxiously geared for a similar outcome.
Unfortunately it wasn't to be, but of course there
were other distractions that more than made
up for the lack of topwater action.
This was to be a trip of the jig...
FCL Labo - many new products to try out...
Jigs dropped...
First casualty - Golden Snapper on FCL Labo SL jig...
Followed by another Goldie!
IMA Ro doing its usual stellar job...
Poseidon Slow Jerker used to good effect...
Beautiful Goldie on Shout! Shab Shab jig...
Poseidon Spin Jerker proving too powerful!
Average sized Goldie easily dispatched...
Another one for the table - sweet Golden Snapper on IMA Ro
And they kept rolling in...
IMA Ro - indispensable!
Majorcraft Alexander Maxed out on a tough fish...
29lb Estuary Cod - a lucky capture!
found lodged cleanly within the jaw cavity, the
hooks proving unneccessary...
Much smaller Cod on the Geecrack...
Beautiful Fingermark on Evergreen Caprice jig...
this one on a Fisherman Marado jig...
Spectacular sights to usher in the night...
After dark entertainer - the Bigeye Trevally...
Casting at sunrise yielded one fish...
Brute GT about to be lipped...
26lb Giant Trevally, no complains!
New FCL Labo HJ stickbait - unconventional but effective!
A surprise Spaniard taken on a Pintail...