Sunday, September 4, 2016


The pristine sheltered waters of Hervey Bay in Australia is the site for our next light tackle adventure. The crew spent a day on the water getting into the local pelagics and demersals alike. Here was how it went...

Early dawn start a long trek out. Gear on board and ready to rock and roll...

Didn't take long to find a school of Golden Trevally but unfortunately only one was foolish enough to bite...

The FEED Lures FLIP40 jig scores this one!

We got plenty more hook-ups with the FEED FLIP40 but they turned out to be Sharks...

We encountered many surfaces bust-ups and on one such cast this Spanish Mackeral latched onto the FEED Lures SPEAR30 pencil...

Meanwhile small jigs like this FEED FLIP25 dropped below the bait schools would find predators too...

The light jig outfits had their work cut out for them on this day. Here a Major Craft Giant Killing spin rod bears the grunt...

Turns out to be another Shark on the FEED FLIP40...

The Sharks are certainly on the chew. Another FLIP jig gets nailed...

We just couldn't avoid them. They loved the FEED jigs too much...

Dropping the weight class to a tiny FEED FLIP15 jig, we find a Fusilier...

And while casting to frenzied bait schools we find the usual suspect in the form of a Mack Tuna which took a liking to the FEED FLIP jig...

With the ultralight Major Craft Go-Emotion Micro Jig Special out for some fun we hook a freight-train in the shape of a beaut Chinaman Fish. This fight was one to be savoured...

The colours on this fish were amazing. Like those before, the FEED FLIP15 did the trick...

More drops over the shallow reef revealed another prized catch, the Red Snapper...

The like FEED FLIP jigs too...

Every drift over the patch produced a hit on the FEED FLIP...

One cannot tire from catching these beautiful fish. Back home they are a rare treat...

It culminated in this nicely proportioned specimen that went hard on the Go-Emotion Micro Jig Special rod...

The FEED Lures FLIP15 is a star indeed...

This next fish is a funny one indeed. Identified as a Long Spined Snapper, this is our first encounter. The FEED FLIP scores again...

Then we get back into the Red Snappers on the FEED FLIPs...

Even smaller specimens can't resist the bigger FLIP25 model...

To cap the day off we boat a beautifully marked Bonito on the FEED FLIP. Awesome colours on this fish...

By the late afternoon we are back on dry land, wishing to do it all over again...

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