...continued from previous post
Fisherman Andaman jig...
Keeping the GT tally healthy with yet another...
Nice Trout - great for fish 'n chips...
Red Bass provided a nice change...
This one fell for an Evergreen Caprice jig...
More GT! This one on a Shab Shab...
Stickbaited Reddie...
Typical GT, on Fisherman S-pop popper...
Sticking with stickbaits and scoring...
Brand New FCL Labo TCP pencil worked well...
Gettin' stuck onto a better fish...
Gun Grey GT on the new FCL TCP220...
More Red on the Andaman...
FCL Labo SL jig deep in this Blackjack's throat...
Shout! Width jig worked for this YFT...
keepin' everyone busy...
Even the female anglers got in on the act...
Then it was back to GTs on pencils...
and smashed the hooks...
Middle-weight GT on the Fisherman S-pop Short...
Continuing the procession...
El Nadador was a gem throughout the trip...
Fish of the trip for a keen angler...
Small G on a sinking Orion...
Man vs. Shark, before release...
Coronation Trout on Sevenseas Speed Darter...
Tomato Cod on CB One Quick jig...
Nassau Grouper with light colouration...
One jig, 2 GTs - happened twice on this trip...
Teenage GT on FCL Labo Squidpencil...
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