Keeping it local, we hop on board once again for a couple days for some saltwater action on the West Coast of the Malaysian Peninsular. It was a good chance to put some new gear to good use and to gauge effectiveness against some finned adversaries.
The weather stayed fine despite some early warnings. The impending haze did eventually catch up but it didn't really hamper the fishing, although some freaky currents (or lack there of) did put a damper on the topwater Trevally action. Anyhow, the jigging made up for any reservations anyone had on the productivity of our local waters. Was good fun...
Months of anticipation gave way to a sense of joy as we clambered aboard and set about rigging the gear up... |
For some it was their first experience, but all were eager to get out into the blue water... |
First drop and a hook up! This is the new Majorcraft Giant Killing Long Fall jig rod at work. These ultra long jig rods are the latest in the long line of ingenius creations to hit the Japanese coastal jigging scene. They work flutter fall jigs with ultimate ease and produce a sweep unmatched by any conventional jig rod... |
A handsome Golden Snapper hits the deck. A welcome catch indeed... |
The perfect Long Fall partner is the new Bassday Bottom Contact jig, used to good effect here... |
A battle ensues. The Majorcraft Giant Killing Spin jig rod bears the grunt on a tough opponent... |
Turns out to be a pesky Reef Shark which took the Shout! Shab Shab jig with little hesitation... |
Didn't take too long to find another Goldie for the table. The Shout! Shab Shab ranks with the best of them when it comes to fluttering jigs... |
Shab Shab claims a small Grouper from the depths... |
Another big fight on the Giant Killing Spin outfit, probably another Shark as the fish was lost shortly... |
The Shab Shab worked on an Evergreen Poseidon Spin Jerker hauls in an unusually large reef Snapper... |
The Macks were causing a menace with many jigs and terminals lost to them. But some were unlucky enough to get pinned. These fish are welcomed on any boat! |
Shout! Shab Shab jig does the damage... |
More pelagic action with a fat Mack Tuna which fell for an IMA Ro jig on the Giant Killing rod... |
A nice Cobia on jig, these fish pull hard on any gear and this one chose the light Poseidon Spin Jerker Light outfit cleverly... |
More Shab Shab action with another nice Golden Snapper destined for the esky... |
With little current we could experiment with different gear, this Estuary Cod fell for the ever-effective Bassday Nin Raba madai concoction. Worked slow in the weak tide with the Giant Killing Slow Pitch, it worked perfectly... |
Amongst the toothy Macks were some even more unwelcomed guests - 'Cudas... |
The flashy Shout! Shab Shab is hardly ignored... |
Another Shab Shab and another Spanish Mack. Joy... |
Big take on the Majorcraft Giant Killing Spin rod and a long tug-of-war only ended with a busted line and a bruised ego... |
The new IMA Ro's picking up where the former left off, working effectively in these waters... |
There were huge shoals of hungry Mack Tuna around and they made their presence felt by going after the flashy jigs like this Evergreen Javeline Jet... |
Another fat Mack Tuna on the CB One Zero jig worked fast with the Evergreen Poseidon Spin Jerker... |
Spanish Mackeral were ever present and stole many jigs. This guy failed at an attempt at the Shab Shab... |
Amongst the pelagics we were lucky to snag this nice Estuary Cod which went for a fast-jerked Evergreen Javeline at decent speed. We were totally caught unawares... |
More Mack Tuna hit the deck with intense regularity. The Evergreen Javeline Jet claims another victim... |
No shortage of action on board as the boat drifted over a school and many hooked up, with Shab Shabs and the like... |
The Giant Killing Long Fall rod is a joy to use and very exciting when loaded up on a good fish... |
Another Estuary Cod comes onboard courtesy of the fluttering Shout! Flash jig... |
The action on board hardly ceases throughout the day. Another Giant Killing outfit is put through the task... |
An ultra rare Red Snapper wows the guys onboard as it hits the net. The Shout! Stay jig is credited with this magnificent capture... |
Popping before dawn, this nice GT was landed on the light Poseidon Ocean Hunter rod and a relatively small popper. Like all GTs it was released after a few quick snaps... |
Without any other surface action on lures it was back to jigging, where the fish like this Goldie were willing, especially if you had an effective jig like this Javeline Jet tied on... |
Another rare capture! This Shout! Flash caught Mangrove Jack is a much missed specie these days as their numbers dwindle. The Giant Killing Spin rod made short work of the fight though... |
Fortunately its close cousin, the Golden Snapper is still bountiful in these parts and they like Shout! Stay jigs... |
A succession of Goldens from the deep, this one liked the Shout! Flash jig... |
The rotound Sevenseas Revolver is another perfect candidate for Long Fall use. This greedy Cod agrees... |
Shout! Stay accounts for yet another Golden Snapper... |
Even a battered Shout! Width jig doesn't go unnoticed by this Goldie. Another one for the fish box... |
Said Width jig scores shortly after with a mack that hits the deck... |
Macks reign on the day, the Shout! Stay scores another. But much tackle is lost to the razor bunch and this is but a small consolation... |
Another lucky pinned Mack on a Shout! Twin Chip jig... |
Can't get away from the teeth this trip, another Barracuda gets hooked on the Shout! Stay jig and whipped by the Poseidon Spin Jerker... |
The Mack attack is capped off by this fish on the Shab Shab and Giant Killing combo. The next day was dedicated to hauling Hardtail Scads by the dozens on ultralight outfits but we won't bore you with pictures of those! |
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