Back three weeks after the last trip which failed to produce the usual GT action, with usual enthusiasm, we were ready to do battle again with some fierce pelagics. A great weekend getaway for all, this trip would produce the goods and all aboard were happy campers despite a glitch in the weather which limited fishing time and had us packing early...
Armed with some new fantastic Xesta jigs, we were on a mission... |
First blood: a tasty Estuary Cod on the Shout! Flash jig to get things going... |
Action kicked off right away within the first few drops. Here the Majorcraft Alexander jig rod tackles an adversary... |
A nice Spanish Mackeral which got pinned outside its toothy mouth. The new Xesta After Burner jig scores... |
Armed with trebles for Macks, here the Xesta Nitro jig nails a greedy Snapper... |
More Mack action with another fish on the Shout! Flash jig worked with a Majorcraft Giant Killing rod... |
Giant Killing Long Fall rod is the perfect tool for working the fluttering Xesta After Burner jig... |
The longer profile Xesta Nitro jig shows it's potency with a nice Estuary Cod... |
Another Estuary Cod hits the deck courtesy of the Bassday Bottom Contact jig... |
Golden Snappers display typical demersal tendencies and are inclined towards a well-placed Bassday Nin Raba madai jig... |
Meanwhile the Bassday Bottom Contact does it's part by fooling a nice GT from the depths. The Majorcraft Alexander gets a thorough work out... |
The Bottom Contact jig has become in important addition to every jig bag... |
Not long after, the Majorcraft Alexander is in action once again... |
Yet another nice Giant Trev on the same Bottom Contact jig by Bassday... |
Flutter fall and lots of hang time is the name of the game. Bottom Contact does it best! |
Golden Snapper are always welcome on deck. This one fell for the effective new Xesta Nitro... |
Triple treat with Snappers and a Grouper on Bassday Nin Raba, Shout! Flash and Bassday Bottom Contact accordingly... |
Next up a school of Mack Tuna show up and this one doesn't hesitate with the yummy Sevenseas Hooker jig danced through the water column... |
A double of Tuna on Bassday Nin Raba and Shout! Flash jigs, illustrating their nonchalance when it comes to feeding... |
On light gear this nice GT is a great thrill for this lady angler with the Hooker jig tied on... |
Taken near the bottom, this Estuary Cod was fooled with the CB One Zero jig and Evergreen Poseidon Spin Jerker rod combo... |
Another greedy Snapper takes a liking to the big Bassday Nin Raba... |
GTs are a handful from the deep but are absolute fun for the angler, with long, fast and hard runs. This one crunched on the Shout! Flash jig and regretted it for sure... |
Goldies are pretty gregarious feeders to, this one went for a big Shout! Stay jig despite it's small size... |
Next morning the popping action was a reward for those who rose early. This GT was fooled by a life-like FCL Labo SPP Slim prototype.. |
On the FCL Labo UC74 rod, it was short work... |
We didn't have to wait long for another Gee to come onboard. This was also despatched quickly with the heavier FCL Labo EXT 81MH rod... |
There was no shortage of action. Despite some heart-breaking misses some stayed connected and some good fish were boated... |
The FCL Labo Squidpen is a special lure which scores like nothing else in these waters... |
Putting the new Majorcraft Crostage heavy casting outfit to test, this GT proved to be an easy capture... |
The El Toro chugger did well to fool this fish... |
Another drift and another nice GT, fish of this size coupled with the surging currents can be a handful but are great fun... |
FCL Labo Squidpen does it again... |
Once last GT for the day, on another FCL Squidpen, solidifying their stature as number one lure for GTs over here... |
To round off the trip we spent some time chasing the Hard Tail Scad that were running this time of year. On the ultralight Evergreen 'Spider' rods and IMA Gunpeki mini jigs they provided hours of unending joy. The weather would cancel any further jigging in the deeper locales so this would be how we ended another fun and successful trip... |
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