As we continue from where we left off at Part One, the hits on jig were consistent as compared to the much slower surface action. We then persisted with jigs and got some pretty good fish in the boat although quite a handful were also lost when they managed to power home and free.
Tsurusaki-san is known for his unorthodox rod concepts like
the quad-frog casting rod made famous in the Legend series
of DVDs featuring Japan Snakehead fishing. Specially
made for this trip, here's a double jig contraption.
of DVDs featuring Japan Snakehead fishing. Specially
made for this trip, here's a double jig contraption.
More for laughs than anything else!
one of the two FCL SL jigs...
Poseidon Spin Jerker PE-4 outfit...
Andaman jig was hit, here's it made to look small in the
mouth of this GT...
were many more which could've been...
Amberjack from one of the deeper spots...
with the IMA Gunpekis...
fun on the Majorcraft KG Lights rod!
in the shallows like this Doggie too...
and always welcome onboard. This guy took an SL jig in
an exciting new colour configuration...
encouraging with Cudas like this on the CSP...
middling GTs like this that fell to the CSP...
FCL FT jig with a deep-dwelling Snapper specie...
Long-nose Emperor which fell for this FCL MSL jig...
biggest Dogtooth of the trip in its thirties...
introduction. It was also an easy task for the brute stick
that is the Poseidon Spin Jerker...
Ruby Snappers hit deep and are spirited fighters. This
one hit an FCL SL jig...
on an FT jig...
teens on the FCL SL jig...
would hit next on the drop. Big Rosies like this on the SL
were real hard fighters too...
session which lasted till sunset...
enjoyed being out in the middle of nowhere...
were always around and the sheer abundance was a
revelation. The FCL SL jig is super consistent with
many hits one after the other...
revelation. The FCL SL jig is super consistent with
many hits one after the other...
hitting the deck. Smiles all round!
the process...
consistently. This GT liked the Maggy Gara popper it saw!
big Dogtooth and after a pretty long fight gave all onboard a
pleasant surprise. It was a big specimen for this tropical
High-fin species and it took the Fisherman Marado jig
worked hard and fast way off the bottom...
it was really difficult to get two hits simultaneously...
of the SL...
like this beautiful Maori Seaperch, one of the most stunning
fishes on the reef. Victim of the FCL SL jig too, worked with
a prototype high-lift long overhead jig rod...
a nice Peacock Hind...
on ultralight gear and mini jigs like this Mametai...
score was this small GT on the prototype FCL popper...
black CSP 200...
the journey, the camaraderie and overall fun factor that
made it an experience to cherish. It would take us another
few days of travelling to return home but it was worth
the effort...
made it an experience to cherish. It would take us another
few days of travelling to return home but it was worth
the effort...
more adventures in the pipeline. Looking forward to it!
For enquiries please email
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